SiS Catalyst - ZOOM Children's Museum


Children as Change Agents for Science in Society


From 2011 to 2014 ZOOM is partner institution of the EU-project „SiS-Catalyst - Children as Change Agents for Science in Society".

SiS Catalyst is a 4 year, European Commision funded Mobilising Mutual Learning Action Plan.

SiS Catalyst is an initiative to foster and support ethical, effective and sustainable engagement between children aged 7-14 years and the social, cultural, political, scientific and educational institutions which make the decisions that will shape their futures.

More information:

Within the SiS Catalyst Mentoring Programme the well known and well running "Vienna Lecture Series for children" (science lectures for children) has been adapted to the needs of ZOOMs partner institiution in Istanbul çocukistanbul. The first science lecture in Istanbul very successfully took place in April 2014.


From March to June 2014 ZOOM Children's Museum has been organising  science awareness-workshops for children ages 9 to 10 called "Who is a Scientist?".

Curious, scatterbrained, successful, ... scientists are often described like this. Is that true? Who is a scientist? How his/her work looks like? What scientists are doing? And which images of scientists children have in their mind? During the workshop children draw how they imagine a scientist. After that they get information about scientists and learn about different science areas.
The children think about their ideas of science and scientists and become aware of their stereotypical images. During the workshop the children understand that science and research are exciting working fields and that everyone can be a scientist. The workshops took place in Vienna at ZOOM and in Istanbul at çocukistanbul and were evaluated professionally.

Project management: Christiane Thenius