Animation NOW!: Animation NOW!
Animation NOW! - Project Movie
ZOOM Children's Museum Vienna and Sladovna Písek

Animation NOW!

Creative Media Work with Children and Young People

Animation NOW!” is a cooperative project between ZOOM Childrens Museum Vienna and the Czech childrens gallery Sladovna in Písek.

Part of the INTERREG AT-CZ 2014-2020 programme
Running time:
  • 01. March 2020 - 30. June 2021
The goal is to intensify creative media work with children and young people at both institutions. The most important output goals of the project are:
  • the relaunch of the ZOOM Animated Film Studio on the occasion of its 20th anniversary in 2021, and the conception an implementation of a new media lab at Sladovna, and
  • the development of a sustainable network around the two partner institutions on the theme of Creative Media Work with Children and Young People”.
After one and a half years of project work, ZOOM Childrens Museum, together with the media agency Bildwerk Media OG and the architecture firm Zirup ZT GmbH, is now commencing work on the technical and spatial adaptation of the Animated Film Studio. Under the heading Countdown 20 Years – 20 weeks” (german version only) a different film from the ZOOM Collection will be presented each week in short, self-shot clips.

What has happened so far?

The Animated Film Studio is one of the four programme areas of ZOOM Childrens Museum. Children and young people have been producing animated films there since 2001, which are then added to the museums collection.
The project team at ZOOM Childrens Museum has carried out important research in order to further develop and modernise the service offered by the Animated Film Studio, and to optimise preparations for its relaunch. The project staff have:
... compiled a detailed analysis of the experience gained over two decades of creative workshop conception and execution.
... examined, documented and summarised the creative process of the children and young peoples animated films, under sociological supervision and in communication with focus groups.
... researched and documented the history of the ZOOM Animated Film Studio and the ZOOM Collection, as well as studies on them.
... formulated in detail the concept for the contemporary adaptation of the Animated Film Studio.
The research results also provide the partner institution Sladovna with valuable input for the reconception of a media lab in Písek.
Toward the goal of building a cross-border, sustainable network around the two partner institutions ZOOM Childrens Museum and Sladovna on the theme of Creative Media Work with Children and Young People”, meetings were held in Vienna and Písek at the start of the project. Due to COVID-19, meetings have been conducted online since March 2020. The aim of the meetings has been to find forms of exchange on the content-related and creative levels, which should continue after the conclusion of the project in June 2021.
Part of the INTERREG AT-CZ 2014-2020 programme