
Into the wondrous Ocean, or up onto the deck of the “Famosa”! This colourful, artistically designed play and adventure area is specially conceived for small children. Their motor, cognitive and social skills are promoted during their exciting journey through the Ocean!

ZOOM Ocean

A colorful and diverse realm for play and adventure

We take play seriously at ZOOM Children’s Museum.

That is why ZOOM offers a special place for young children with various play activities especially designed to stimulate young children’s motor skills and cognitive and social abilities. Haptic stimuli, colorful objects, inclined planes, a water mattress and a tunnel of mirrors hone the perception and differentiation skills of toddlers and young children.

Ocean expansion is dedicated to the spirit of promoting early scientific education, offering children a playful and enjoyable opportunity to observe, compare and measure.

We recommend bringing non-slip socks.


Head of ZOOM Ocean: Franziska Abgottspon

Idea: Claudia Haas

Concept: Franziska Abgottspon & Elisabeth Limmer

Design: Dick Heijdra, Rotterdam

Construction 2001 & extensions 2008: Ausstellungswerkstatt (2001), Winter Artservice (2008)

Crane: Winter Artservice

Sound installations: Ozeanteam

Wooden objects, motor: Kurt Olli Aigner

Adaptation motor: Johannes Schrems

Cushions, seating objects: Kurt Heinzelmayer & Linde Hörl

Costumes, textile play objects: Linde Hörl

Light switch games: Dominikus Guggenberger